Sid was a punk rock king, Nancy was a broken queen
Igår såg vi den verklighetsbaserade filmen 'Sid and Nancy' (1986 by Alex Cox) och vi säger bara en sak: what a tragic love story! Fy faasen.
Filmen handlar alltså om Sex Pistols-basisten Sid Vicious och hans minst sagt GALNA förhållande med flickvännen Nancy Spungen. It's a story about punk rock, drugs, love and death.
Gary Oldman as Sid and Chloe Webb as Nancy
Klassisk scen."- Who the hell do you think you are?!
- Sid Vicious".
Notera Courtney Love till vänster, som spelar Gretchen, Nancys friend.
Love kills. The real Sid and Nancy
'Their story is part Romeo and Juliet, part Venus in Furs, part punk rock tragedy, but above all a waste of potential and youth and human life. Sid Vicious was 21 when he died, Nancy Spungen was 20. Their short realationship was fraught with violence, drug abuse and psychological deterioration.'
Igår såg vi den verklighetsbaserade filmen 'Sid and Nancy' (1986 by Alex Cox) och vi säger bara en sak: what a tragic love story! Fy faasen.
Filmen handlar alltså om Sex Pistols-basisten Sid Vicious och hans minst sagt GALNA förhållande med flickvännen Nancy Spungen. It's a story about punk rock, drugs, love and death.
Gary Oldman as Sid and Chloe Webb as Nancy
Klassisk scen."- Who the hell do you think you are?!
- Sid Vicious".
Notera Courtney Love till vänster, som spelar Gretchen, Nancys friend.
Love kills. The real Sid and Nancy
'Their story is part Romeo and Juliet, part Venus in Furs, part punk rock tragedy, but above all a waste of potential and youth and human life. Sid Vicious was 21 when he died, Nancy Spungen was 20. Their short realationship was fraught with violence, drug abuse and psychological deterioration.'
Say something!
Postat av: joss
bra film :D
Postat av: ladydoordie
En av mina absoluta favoriter! Har nog läst boken "Inte som andra döttrar" ett tiotal gånger. Så jävla vacker story.