OZZY'S nya bok, 'TRUST ME, I'M DR. OZZY: Advice from Rock's ultimate survivor' släpps nu i dagarna och följs av en book-signing-tour here in the US.
Den 11 oktober befinner han sig i Huntington, Orange County (vilket e typ en timmas bilfärd från L.A) och vi funderar starkt på att dra dit.
Who doesn't wanna meet the Prince of Darkness liksom?!

'In his new book 'Trust me, I' Dr. Ozzy', rock legend Ozzy Osbourne embraces his status as a medical marvel to tell incredible stories, offer advice as only he can and shed light on his seemingly superhuman ability to stay alive.

Wondering if science could perhaps explain how he survived his 40-year avalanche of drugs and alcohol, Ozzy decided to have his DNA mapped in 2010. The “Full Ozzy Genome” contained variants that scientists had never before encountered. In fact, the findings made headlines around the world and even led to Ozzy hosting a prestigious TED conference. This was the genesis of the columns Ozzy has since been writing for Rolling Stone in the US and The Sunday Times in the UK. Through reader-submitted medical and lifestyle questions, Ozzy digs deep into his murky past, searching for “pearls of wisdom.”

'Trust me, I'm Dr Ozzy' will include some of the best material from Rolling Stone, as well as longer memoir-style survival stories that Ozzy has remembered since writing 'I AM OZZY', his answers to celebrities’ medical questions, charts and sidebars, and much more. Part humor, part memoir, and part bad advice, the best way to describe this book is 100% pure Ozzy.'

Jaa, det är fanimej ett UNDER att denna madman STILL is alive...?


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