Search & Destroy
- Your friends go to "church" at a club
- People proudly post on facebook that they are "staying in tonight" with the same pride a normal person would boast of giving birth to a child
- You feel the need to dress up to go watch football
- Every girl at the pool party is wearing heels, and god forbid someone actually gets in it
- People offer you cocaine and show you pictures of their kids in the same conversation
- Patron is the new vodka, molly is the new coke, and threesomes are the new missionary
- If your champagne isn't magnum size or bigger you can all but forget about having girls hang out at your table
- Your guy friends who DON'T do coke keep a baggie at their house to avoid losing girls to those who do
- Fellas - Your last 3 girlfriends were prom queens in their respective home towns
- Ladies - You had to break up with your last 3 boyfriends via restraining order
- Ladies - You've been picked up for a date in a borrowed car
- Fellas - You've considered sticking a plastic "M3" emblem on your 1-series beamer
- Ladies - You go out 6 nights a week till 4 or 5am... yet can't seem to meet a good guy!
- When someone from out of town asks you about the club "Trousdale" you say, "OH, you mean "Trousy"
- You are AMAZED when you find out one of your club "friends" has a real job
- You see the same exact girls in the clubs, every night, for around 3 years... then they get jobs, get boyfriends, move to Hermosa, or otherwise disappear
- You see the same exact guys in the clubs, every night... FOREVER!
Haha så in i helvete KLOCKRENT!! Speciellt 'People offer you cocaine and show u pictures of their kids in the same conversation'. Hollyweird i ett nötskal.
Hur äre att vara i sweden då? ;)
Och Hollywood har amerikaniserat mexikanmaten ytterligare för det var annorlunda i Mexico!
sv: men tack vad gulliga ni är :)
ang videon så minns jag inte vad han hette, Erik möjligen, de var härifrån Sthlm iaf teamet som gjorde den
Berätta mer om tacon. Är det sant? Vad är försvenskat? Äter man inte gräddfil i Mexico? Finns det andra maträtter som är försvenskade? Hur är det med Pizza? // Thirsty for knowledge