Search & Destroy

KASST med updates guys and dolls, vi vet, vi vet. Meeen vi försöker återkomma till livet så smått. Eller ja liv och liv, den så kallade 'tillvaron' här i Swedenlandala. Today it is SATURDAY och det tackar vi för!!!!! Vi ska pimpla vin och äta svensk taccos, det ni  - det går fan inte av för hackor! Ni vet väl att vi FÖRSVENSKAT denna maträtt som tusen miljarder svennebananer mömsar i sig framför teven varje fredagskväll?! The real Mexican Taco e nåt helt annat, det har vi lärt oss efter otaliga besök på mexikanska plejs in LA.
However, Vi gillar't hur som haver - swedish or not.

The real deal


- Your friends go to "church" at a club

- People proudly post on facebook that they are "staying in tonight" with the same pride a normal person would boast of giving birth to a child

- You feel the need to dress up to go watch football

- Every girl at the pool party is wearing heels, and god forbid someone actually gets in it

- People offer you cocaine and show you pictures of their kids in the same conversation

- Patron is the new vodka, molly is the new coke, and threesomes are the new missionary

- If your champagne isn't magnum size or bigger you can all but forget about having girls hang out at your table

- Your guy friends who DON'T do coke keep a baggie at their house to avoid losing girls to those who do

- Fellas - Your last 3 girlfriends were prom queens in their respective home towns

- Ladies - You had to break up with your last 3 boyfriends via restraining order

- Ladies - You've been picked up for a date in a borrowed car

- Fellas - You've considered sticking a plastic "M3" emblem on your 1-series beamer

- Ladies - You go out 6 nights a week till 4 or 5am... yet can't seem to meet a good guy!

- When someone from out of town asks you about the club "Trousdale" you say, "OH, you mean "Trousy"

- You are AMAZED when you find out one of your club "friends" has a real job

- You see the same exact girls in the clubs, every night, for around 3 years... then they get jobs, get boyfriends, move to Hermosa, or otherwise disappear

- You see the same exact guys in the clubs, every night... FOREVER!

Haha så in i helvete KLOCKRENT!! Speciellt 'People offer you cocaine and show u pictures of their kids in the same conversation'. Hollyweird i ett nötskal.



Say something!
Postat av: Frixxie

Hur äre att vara i sweden då? ;)

2010-09-12 @ 20:07:43
Postat av: Sandy Dee

Och Hollywood har amerikaniserat mexikanmaten ytterligare för det var annorlunda i Mexico!

2010-09-12 @ 22:20:54
Postat av: CC

sv: men tack vad gulliga ni är :)

ang videon så minns jag inte vad han hette, Erik möjligen, de var härifrån Sthlm iaf teamet som gjorde den

2010-09-16 @ 13:51:59
Postat av: Thirsty for knowledge

Berätta mer om tacon. Är det sant? Vad är försvenskat? Äter man inte gräddfil i Mexico? Finns det andra maträtter som är försvenskade? Hur är det med Pizza? // Thirsty for knowledge

2010-09-17 @ 13:31:31


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